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Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent
by Deborah Brautigam
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Results Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries: Capacity and Consent
Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Capacity and Consent Deborah Brautigam on FREE shipping on qualifying offers There is a widespread concern that in some parts of the world governments are unable to exercise effective authority When governments fail Taxation and State Building in Developing Countries This volume focuses specifically on taxation and state building in a range of contemporary developing countries from uppermiddle income Poland and Russia to ultra poor rural Tanzania and Uganda PDF Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries Capacity and consent and statebuilding in developing countries most in need of the statebuilding to which the taxation Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries by Additional resources for Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Capacity and Consent Sample text For example Japan called on German experts to shape some of its state institutions during the Meiji Restoration Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Taxation stimulates demands for representation and an effective revenue authority is the central pillar of state capacity Using case studies from Africa Asia Eastern Europe and Latin America this book presents and evaluates these arguments updates theories derived from European history Tax Justice Network How to build a state Taxation is the new frontier for those concerned with statebuilding in developing countries The political importance of taxation extends beyond the raising of revenue We argue in this book that taxation may play the central their emphasis role in building and sustaining the power of states and shaping their ties to society The statebuilding role of taxation can be seen in two principal areas the rise of a social contract based on bargaining around tax and the institutionbuilding Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries capacity and consent Using case studies from Africa Asia Eastern Europe and Latin America this book presents and evaluates these arguments updates theories derived from European history in the light of conditions in contemporary poorer countries and draws conclusions for policymakersBOOK JACKET Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries Taxation and statebuilding in developing countries capacity and consent Deborah Brautigam OddHelge Fjeldstad Mick Moore There is widespread concern that in some parts of the world governments are unable to exercise effective authority Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Capacity and Consent It matters that governments tax their citizens rather than live from oil revenues and foreign aid and it matters how they tax them Taxation stimulates demands for representation and an effective revenue authority is the central pillar of state capacity Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing BiggerBooks Rent or buy Taxation and StateBuilding in Developing Countries Capacity and Consent 9780521716192